The GB Non-native Species Secretariat are raising the awareness of invasive species through the Invasive Species Week 2021 - in two weeks time.
They are hosting a series of free webinars throughout the week, these are open to the public so if you are interested do sign up!
Monday 24 May, 13:00-13:30. Why bees are so important, and how to help protect them from the threat of Asian hornet. With Jack Silberrad from the National Bee Unit.
Wednesday 26 May, 13:00-13:45. Biological recording – how your nature sightings can help scientists working on non-native species issues. With Professor Helen Roy from the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology.
Thursday 27 May, 13:00-13:45. Wildlife friendly gardening with non-invasive plants. Tips on plants to attract wildlife to your garden, helping scientists to look out for potential future invaders, and looking after the environment by preventing garden plants from spreading into the wild. With Katharina Dehnen-Schmutz and April Webb from Coventry University.
Keep up to date as new events are added at
In the meantime, this week is National Plant Health Week!